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How companies are opting other ways to promote brands except for TV ads due to Coronavirus?

How companies are opting other ways to promote brands except for TV ads due to Coronavirus?
Advertising21 min read
  • Chaaya Baradhwaaj, Founder, BC Web Wise ponders upon a few important questions that you have been worried about -- ‘if large businesses should communicate or not, can we run a regular communication, etc.’
  • She further writes about a few ways in which you can produce such messaging in the fairly challenging scenario where you cannot be out there doing shoots, or your product is not available easily online or offline.
With uncertainty that looms large across businesses to communicate or not is the big question.

The bigger question, what do you communicate? Can we run our regular communication? It may run the risk of demonstrating apathy, and /or be received with apathy by the audience.

In the forced social isolation scenario, consumers are more likely to be receptive to a certain kind of messaging, and crafting this well can pay off doing good for the brand and the audience, provided it resonates with the consumer sentiments. This may help to not just reinforce trust in the brand, but also play a part in doing good for our audience by touching upon issues they are currently grappling with . What is probably most critical is authenticity of the message .

The third big question, how do you produce such messaging in the fairly challenging scenario where you cannot be out there doing shoots, or your product is not available easily online or offline.

1. Smart Social ContentThe right social post can go viral. If liked can be shared and reshared not only on the social platforms but also on personal messenger groups like Whatsapp.

De-Selling Your Brand’s Core Selling Proposition

It may just appear so out of a brand’s comfort zone, but makes a statement about how far you can go in consumer interest. Something that a lot of automobile brands have done, and well.
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Want to explore some new cuisine, but stuck at home? Well, so are we. That’s why, we’re giving the iconic seven-slot grille a homely twist for the next few days with seven ideas every day to make your #StayingIndoors adventures even better. Today, we’re looking at cooking. Here are seven simple and easy-to-make dishes from around the world that will satisfy even the most discerning food critic. • Grilled Chicken Tacos • Teriyaki Chicken with broccoli • Apple Pie • Hummus and veggies • Bhan Mi Chicken Burger • Lemon and shrimp risotto • Chocolate and fruits fondue What are you cooking? Let us know in the comments below. #Jeep #JeepIndia #ItsAJeepThing #TheresOnlyOne #OIIIIIIIO #FlattenTheCurve #Covid19 #StayHomeStaySafe

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Jeep’s #StayIndoor
Car rental brand Zoomcar’s topical post riding on Netflix’s Heist that is trending in India
Volvo’s very bold statement here, would surely grab attention.

Building Positivity With your Brands Core Selling Proposition

Joining Arms With The Consumer To Salute Foot Soldiers

Another leg, which helps to sincerely celebrate those in the front, and create content that resonates well with the audience, who can then join you in saluting these heroes.

Done by Vivo Inda & Mercedes here.

2. Becoming An Enabler & Engaging the Audience Make The Most of This Time At home

Project 21 by HDFC ERGO: An initiative aimed at positively engaging its community through constructive home activities that will help us all grow both professionally and personally. Project 21 involved social content for 21 days, each highlighting one activity that people could take up each day, for instance. learning a new skill, reading a book, spending time with family, etc.

In light of the 21 Day Lockdown, Nutrela asked followers to share a recipe using one of the ingredients from the list everyday in the 21days healthy recipe challenge. To inspire recipes – the brand is also sharing #HealthyRecipesEveryday, where along with the recipe interesting facts about the dish such as when it was invented or where it originated from.

3. From Discounts To Going Free

The travel industry had to respond with offers and measures to waive of cancellation or re-scheduling charges. Surely, they have gained a certain degree of trust, and respect from the beneficiaries. Brand love can definitely be generated when you are able to offer something absolutely free, or that which translates into tangible benefits. LinkedIn is getting all set to offer 16 of its courses for free. Toyota & Hyundai are offering buyer protection to car buyers who may lose jobs/ cannot pay in the next 6 months.

4. Engaging Influencers

While consumers are sensitised to washing hands, they still stock up on loose groceries which may be handled by unclean hands. Madhur Sugar engaged mom influencers to urge consumers to not compromise on quality and stock up on hygienically packed ingredients from trusted brands only.

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All of us are aware are about the pandemic COVID -19. We are at a very crucial stage where the spread of diseases is expected to grow beyond our imagination. All we can do to prevent the spread is to maintain basic fundamentals like cleaning/washing hands etc. Also as a responsible being, one should immediately seek medical help if any of the symptoms are observed. Most of the important thing that we are ignoring is stocking up loosely available products in the market like sugar, cereals and other groceries. We must understand the point that coronavirus survives on surfaces for 8-12 hrs. So these loose products too are exposed to it. Please be careful and take precautions related to the food we eat as well. Watch this video to know more. Stay hygienic. Stay safe.

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5. Rehash, Repurpose, Re-invent:

Brands have a lot of content in their kitty, and they can be repurposed with relevance. Asian Paints repackaged their old TV commercial from 2007 into a DVC (digital video commercial), only now without the large scale production costs, using real-life footages, shot raw, that resonated with the script. In a week, this ad has 25 million views. Asian Paints has been positioning itself on the tagline `Har Ghar Kuch Kehta Hai’ which means every home has something to tell . And in 2007 this positioning had a previous version which said `Har Ghar Chup Chap Se Kuch Kehta Hai’ .. every home silently has something to say.

6. Brand Logo – Stretch all that much

The brand logo defines everything you stand for and if you are able to convey a message by using your logo with a symbolic adaption, it has that much more impact, and it conveys to the audience that this issue is taken that much more seriously by you, and you stand with them at this time. And the bigger the brand, bigger the viral impact too. Coca Cola’s logo with the letters spread apart has probably got more earned media for it globally than what they paid for in the Time’s Square Hoarding,
Thanks to COVID-19, social distancing has increased user engagement on social, increased how often the users checked latest news across avenues, and checking in on what’s happening in their social circle. What is critical at this time for sure is to ensure we are keeping our conversation mill runnin with our audience . - By Chaaya Baradhwaaj, Founder, BC Web Wise


