Amazing time-lapse video shows Chinese firm building a 57-story skyscraper in only 19 working days


Stunning new video shows a 57-story building being constructed in only 19 working days.


Broad Sustainable, the builder, was able to get Mini Sky City ready so quickly for occupants in the central Chinese city of Changsha by assembling the skyscraper out of pre-fabricated sections. It was put together at a rate of three floors per day.

"With the traditional method, they have to build a skyscraper brick by brick, but with our method, we just need to assemble the blocks," company engineer Chen Xiangqian told the Associated Press.

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The Changsha-based company spent 4 1/2 months fabricating the building's 2,736 modules before construction began. The first 20 floors were completed last year, and the remaining 37 were built from Jan. 31 to Feb. 17 this year, Xiao said. The company has honed its technology to accelerate its construction speed from two floors to three floors a day, he said.

Mini Sky City has 800 apartments and office space for 4,000 workers, according to the report.

The building is said to be sturdy enough to withstand an earthquake, though it is not clear how strong a temblor it could endure.

Broad Sustainable previously claimed to have its sights set on throwing together a 220-story building in only three months. But that structure has yet to be built.

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