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Here's what the logos for Amazon, Levi's, and HBO Go would say if they were being honest

Lara O'Reilly   

Here's what the logos for Amazon, Levi's, and HBO Go would say if they were being honest
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pepsi honest slogans

Clif Dickens/Honest Slogans

Graphic designer Clif Dickens re-imagines slogans logos to their "honest" versions.

Clif Dickens, a graphic designer from Nashville, started the Honest Slogans website, which re-imagines corporate logos to "honestly" portray their goods and services, off the back of a running joke with his friends about how waitresses always asked if Pepsi was okay every time he asked for a Coca-Cola.

His redesigned Pepsi logo kicked off the Honest Slogans blog in 2011. Dickens stresses they are for "entertainment purposes only" and told us in 2013 that while some may come across as "harsh," he hopes even employees of the brands he satirizes will see the blog as "tongue-in-cheek."

We've picked out some of the funniest latest additions to the Honest Slogans blog.

Aaron Taube contributed to an earlier version of this post.


