Timm Schamberger/Getty Images
Someone at The Pirate Bay needs to check their inbox.
thepiratebay.org used to be a way for people to access the piracy site, but the URL now shows an error and says that "This domain name is pending ICANN verification and has been suspended."
The Register explains that domain service ICANN sends an email every year to the domain owner asking whether they still want it. But it looks like nobody at The Pirate Bay has checked their emails.
The email The Pirate Bay uses for domain verification is auto560120@hushmail.com, which The Register says belongs to the site's cofounder Fredrik Neij. However, it's not clear that Neij even has access to that account anymore. That could cause problems for the other Pirate Bay domains registered using the email, including piratebay.org, thepiratebay.com, piratebrowser.com, piratebaytorrents.info, anonfiles.com, piratebrowser.net, thepiratebay.pe, and thepiratebay.sx.